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Writer's pictureIsaKaRa

The Feminine Holds The Frequency

It does not matter what body you are in biologically; your feminine carries the frequency of your form and being, resulting in your reality. The feminine is the creative force. The masculine is the directive force. 

The wounded patriarchal narrative inserted a reversal of reality by placing the masculine as a creative force; this distortion has resulted in the distorted frequency of the feminine, creating a distorted reality. 

This distortion, often violently enforced, has corrupted the feminine Earth matrix (mater/mother) of the Mother. It has been replaced by what I term as the wounded energy grid of the patrix (pater/father), creating an inverted reality that exploits and appropriates the natural creative feminine energy grid of the Earth. 

This patrix grid, however, is a false energy structure created by syphoning and manipulating the true matrix grid of the Earth and all forms of life that belong to Her. 

Because the masculine is not capable of creating life, it has to simulate creation through extractivist methods. By appropriating, mechanising and manipulating the creative force and field of the Scared Feminine Earth Matrix, this creative energy is syphoned and redirected by the wounded masculine into what is erroneously refer to as the “matrix” and through this erroneous narrative around the Earth Matrix the structures of fear and distortion of the patrix grid is further strengthened. 

This appropriation is institutionalised and then internalised by creating an off-planet saviour, a creator god that resides not within the Earth’s Sacred Matrix but floats somewhere above it, and if patriarchal religion doesn’t do the job of installing this off-planet saviour belief, you can choose any number of other off-planet options to swoop in a save you or you could rely on your intellect alone and obfuscate the need for any deeper understanding of the unseen or the sacred. 

Through the act of placing the burden of creation on the masculine, which is by its very nature not a creative force, the system of extraction and appropriation becomes the only way in which the masculine aspect can fulfil the role it has been forced to play in our wounded patriarchal consensus - Because the masculine is not a creative force it can only create by extracting and mechanising creative potential from the organic creative substance of the Earth and the source of creation the feminine. 

This results in the deep layers of internalised patriarchy and inherent insecurity of the masculine as a collective force as it is constantly tasked with doing something it is fundamentally incapable of and, therefore, will inevitably fail, which leads to aggression, violence and destruction of the very source of the thing it is not capable of doing, i.e. the creative power of the feminine. This destructive dynamic plays out as much within our psyches and bodies as it does in the world around us. 

This system sets the masculine up to fail and the feminine up to be exploited and enslaved - neither expressions of being are in their organic state of flow or function, and the constant friction created between them in this consensus reality keeps the distorted patrix grid in place to continue syphoning energy from the feminine creative and the masculine directive and in the end neither is in their true expression. 

So, let's return to the concept that the Feminine holds the frequency. We can understand that in our current collective consensus reality, that frequency is distorted, manipulated, exploited and corrupted and, as such, creates a reality that reflects this distortion. 

We can also witness, however, that the sheer magnitude of the creative force of the Earth Matrix / Mother / Collective Feminine still has enough power that the corrupted wounded projection of the false patrix grid that overlays it cannot entirely over-ride its creative essence and so there is still some access to the truly creative potential of the Feminine and the true protective guiding directive potential of the Masculine when these forces are activated in this sacred union within us the Masculine guiding, directing and protecting. The Feminine creating, birthing and holding the frequency of primordial creation, then we remember and glimpse the true potential and reality of our Sacred Earth, not as something new or an imagined unknown but rather as something that once was but has been distorted and needs to be remembered and reclaimed. 

We do not need a new earth; we need to remember and rebirth an Old Earth collectively. We need to remember our animal selves, not as separate from the Earth, our Mother, but as the reflection of the Mother. This memory brings the sacred, the divine, from an off-planet, unobtainable, idealised, inaccessible “consciousness” back into the blood, mud and bones of our bodies and the land. 

So, how do we reclaim the frequency of creation? How do we hold ourselves in such a way that what we birth is what we wish not only for ourselves but for all of life as an interconnected collective living being of which each of us is an integral part? How do we rebalance and remember the interplay between our inner Masculine and Feminine as a sacred dance and put these forces within us to use effectively to override the false projection of the patrix that places one above the other and causes distortion and enslavement of both? 

I read this extract from The Way of the Rose by Perdita Finn and Clark Strand and it reminded me of the how…

"The purpose of the Genesis story is to explain the loss of that long, slow paradise that today we call the Palaeolithic epoch of history in which our ancestors lived not only in a sustainable relationship to the Earth but in a joyous and loving one as well. In one of the greatest bait and switches of all time, that loss is blamed on Eve, whose name means, tellingly, "Mother of All Life.”

In a final bid for patriarchal power, the Bible separates the Goddess from one of her oldest animal allies. For tens of thousands of years before Genesis was written, the serpent was the ultimate symbol of reincarnation and renewal. The ouroboros (a snake swallowing its own tail) signified the eternal cycles of birth, death, and rebirth that were the source of the Goddess's power. In Genesis, that life-sustaining circle is broken, and the serpent becomes evil instead. The natural world was no longer considered sentient and divine.

The mutilation and exploitation of our Mother's body could continue uninterrupted down to the present day.

And yet, the final victory is always hers. Empires rise and fall. Whole civilisations vanish into vast deserts of geological time. But life remains. The Mother remains."

The “how” lies in the memory, in the truth that the Mother remains, and all we need is to return to Her, to remember the Mother of all life, the cyclical nature of our being and our interconnection with our Mother’s body, our animal body and the energy channelled and held within the Feminine and directed by the Masculine in sacred union so that life-sustaining circle is mended and can flow once more to, through and from us in an ever sustaining regenerative circuit that does not require syphoning, extraction, enslavement or appropriation. 

If you feel called to explore these themes more, book a connection call or join Matreon, and let's walk this path together.

In Alchemy

Isa Ka Ra

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