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Working with Isa


What is Sacred Feminine Shamanic Energy Medicine?

“Woman is by nature a Shaman.” - Chukchee proverb.


Over millennia, the ancient Wisdom Keepers, or medicine women of the world, through deep connections to the living Earth Matrix and the Creatrix of all life, learned from this primordial source of feminine creative wisdom and developed methodologies and practices for healing based on understanding and harmonising the human energy field. This field, also known as our halo or aura or as the LEF or Luminous Energy Field, is the energy matrix that surrounds all living beings, informing and organising the systems of the physical, emotional and energy body.


The LEF contains information about our genetic histories, illnesses, patterns, soul contracts, core wounds, gifts, and beliefs. This information is encoded in the form of imprints that are stored in your field. If we don’t clear these imprints in the LEF, we live out the same patterns and genetic histories as our ancestors.


Sacred Feminine Shamanic practice utilises the connection with and understanding of this subtle energy matrix to work with the guidance of the unseen realms, ancestors and guides to release dense energies, cut energetic cords which hold soul contracts and discordant patterns in place and clear energetic blockages to redirect the flow of energy within the energy body and re-establish a clearer connection to our interconnectedness with Mother Earth and the sacredness of our bodies as a reflection of all life force.​​​​​

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How do I work?

As a student and qualified practitioner of these ancient practices and methodologies, I use the information stored in your LEF or energy body to guide me in bringing the energy, emotional and physical bodies into greater harmony.


Starting from my teens, I was blessed to be taught by many teachers over the span of the last 30 years, seeking to deepen my understanding of my own innate gifts and to cultivate a practice to share these gifts and be of service to others with the greatest integrity. My focus is on working with the principles of Sacred Feminine Shamanic practices; this means that my practice is informed and guided by a deep calling to remember and rebirth the path of The Sacred Feminine & The Beauty Way.


I am a graduate of The Four Winds, trained and initiated in Shamanic Energy Medicine, and hold international certification in various energy healing and energy centre balancing systems. I am a certified Cacao Ceremony facilitator through International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine and offer ceremony based on my experience and lessons from a 2-year apprenticeship and daily dieta with Mama Cacao. I have also completed a certification as an applied women's neuropsychophysiology practitioner. These qualifications complement and support my innate skills as an energetic clairvoyant, intuitive empath and oracular channel.


Because this process requires time and trust from both practitioner and client, I do not offer one-off sessions, as these do not provide the time and structure to fully process and integrate this form of original medicine. I feel a sense of responsibility to not only offer my clients an experience but also work with them to integrate that experience in order to access the lasting benefits of the work we do together.


If you are unsure if this kind of practice will suit your needs, the best place to begin is to book a connection call with me. The cost of the connection call will be credited to your initial session container or course fees. You can use the button below to do that.

Ways to work with me


I offer various session containers as well as courses to anyone who wishes to work with me and is willing to take up my offers self-responsibly. You are welcome to join one of my retreats or workshops, which are held either by myself or in collaboration with others. If you feel called to a more collaborative experience, see my work with Dipika Wishart  or Sterekopje.


I also offer Shamanic & Spirit Mentorship containers to select clients and work with a limited number of clients in mentorship containers.


As this work is done predominantly on your energy body, I work remotely, but in-person sessions can be arranged on request. When working remotely, you will be required to be in a quiet space where you can be fully present without being disturbed.


If we are working in person, sessions are conducted at my practice in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa.


New clients are required to attend a minimum of 3 sessions to ensure that I can assist in the integration process of our work together. Clients generally work with either the 3- or 6-session containers and repeat these as needed.


Once a 3- or 6-session container or course has been completed, once-off sessions can be booked.


What to Expect


Please note that the work I offer is not a quick fix; this form of original medicine is very powerful, but it requires commitment and work from both the practitioner and the client.


 “The feminine journey is about going down deep into soul, healing and reclaiming, while the masculine journey is up and out, to spirit.”  - Maureen Murdock


During our session, we will work with core wounds - including lineage, personal and collective, inner child wounds, shadow work, cord cutting, extraction and clearing of crystalised energy structures, sacred feminine and womb rites, soul retrieval and recapitulation processes, reclamation and activation of our Feminine Wisdom Body, integration and acknowledgement of the collective feminine pain body and its structure and role in our lives and the collective, recognising and releasing internalised patterns of wounded patriarchy and misogyny, exploring and accessing the feminine archetypes and reclaiming our stories to reclaim our power, and various energy medicine and embodied practices to harmonise the energy, emotional and physical body. 


My focus is on bringing women back into an embodied state of spiritual, physical and emotional harmony through the understanding that our journey is not one of seeking up and out escapist solutions and spiritual practices but rather in remembering that we are the daughters of The Earth and the embodiment of the Great Mother, the portals through which all life is birthed and through that remembering of our power we access Spirit not as something above or outside of ourselves but as the deep essence of our animal being.  

When working with men, I focus on helping them access the wounded inner child and re-parent those aspects of self that have been abandoned and abused within themselves and their lineage to bring these aspects back into harmony. We also focus on the harmful effects and experiences of their internalised patriarchy and the individual and collective harm these structures have caused, as well as practices to repair that damage. This kind of work creates a safe space for men to come back into a deeper connection with their emotional and physical needs and feel safe in expressing those needs.



Each client's experience and the processes and practices we work with are individual. No one-size-fits-all methodology is at play, so we work with the tools of Shamanic Energy Medicine to create a framework. However, each session is different, and each client has an individual experience with this medicine. Have a look at the Testimonials page to see what others have experienced.


Those contemplating working with me should know that this agreement requires commitment and trust from both the Shamanic practitioner and the client. It requires great courage to plumb one's depth, and I will do all I can to ensure you feel safe and supported on your journey. 


Please note that my work is not culturally specific. I work with the methods and practices that I am initiated or trained in or innately possess and have refined. Culturally specific ceremonies and teachings should be performed or taught only by someone trained and initiated within the context of that culture. If I offer culturally specific work, it is either in collaboration with someone trained within that culture or practices that I have been trained and initiated in by those within that culture and have been given permission to work with and share these practices.



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