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A self-study workbook to assist you in a journey through your 7 Energy Centres to explore and integrate Shadow wounds, imprints and behavioural patterning informed by trauma and Shadow aspects.


Isa has designed The Alchemy Shadow Integration Container programme to assist her clients in approaching Shadow integration work through an exploration of the 7 energy centres (Chakras) this approach is a way of not only working on a psychological mind level but also on a physical and energetic sphere which facilitates a more holistic integration potential. 


If you would like to work with the 7 Session Shadow Integration Container or want a little more info please click here:

The Alchemy Movement Shadow Integration Container 

Alchemy Shadow Integration Workbook

  • The workbook was originally created and is still used in conjunction with the Alchemy Shadow Integration Container which is a 7-session journey to integrate Shadow wounds, imprints and behavioural patterning informed by trauma and Shadow aspects. 

    Isa has made the workbook available as a stand-alone purchase for those that feel called to embark on this work but may not be able to afford to work in sessions. 

    Please note that this work is owned in its entirety by The Alchemy Movement and Isa Ka Ra and no part may not be copied or distributed without consent even after being purchased. 

    You will receive the download as a PDF document and be eligible for a discount if you then choose to sign up for the full Alchemy Shadow Integration Container. 


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